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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Place An Order?


Simply select the picture you want to use for your cover and drop into the cart. A large format file will be delivered after you've paid.



What type of file will I get?

You will get a large format file 3000 x 4500 suitable for all your needs.




What rights do I have to the picture.

Once purchased the picture is yours. It will not be sold again and you have exclusive rights to print and publish as you see fit. The models may still use the picture for portfolio.




Secure Ordering & Payment Options

Using Paypal, Visa, and Mastercard



Returns & Refunds

Once the picture has been sent you cannot obtain a refund. If the image has not been sent if you email us for a possible refund.


How will I get my picture?


Currently we cannot have an automatic download. This is being addressed. As soon as we recieve payment we will email you with the file. Due to the size it will be sent through YouSendIt or Dropbox. Sorry for the incovience. 

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